Monday, 1 December 2008

Contents page

Evaluation for my Law magazine

Final piece evaluation

When creating my magazine front cover i looked back at the previous magazines which included 'heat', 'fourfourtwo' and 'NME' i had specifically picked out these magazines to help me gain ideas and help me format my magazine.
When looking back at these magazines i have noticed that they all have the name either central of left alligned therefore 'GUILTY' has similarities whereabouts the title is presented.
Most magazines which you see in shops etc have the main headline spread out across the main picture this is because the picture normally reflects the main headline, i took this into account and applied it to my magazine.
I added a catchy slogan to my magazine, 'For all you law lovers' i added this underneath 'GUILTY' so that the reader immediately notices the slogan. I used alliteration this was to make it sound fun and punchy.
When choosing the colour for 'GUILTY' i looked at 'heat', 'fourfourtwo' and 'NME' these all use the colour red perhaps because red signifies importance i also took this into account and used the colour red for my magazine title guilty.When adapting my main picture which was of a student at wyke sixth form college, i made it the main focus of the magazine this was so that the reader is immediately drawn to the picture and also i needed a student to represent wyke college, which is who the magazine is aimed at.

Looking at my final product we can immediately realise that it is aimed at a specific age group (16-19) and social group which is students, this is because of the main picture which is of a wyke student currently at the college and also the key logo of wyke pictured in the bottom right hand corner.
The target audience which i definately aimed my magazine for was for law students, i picked law because i am currently studying the subject and i also came up with an appealing name which i thought sounded interesting. When looking at my final product we can see that it is aimed for students studying law because of the catchy name and slogan, also the main picture is a student reading a law textbook also the story featured to the left also reflects law. When taking my picture i used a digital camera to capture the main image, i wanted my student to look pleased and interested so i asked her to look happy and almost impressed, i then applied it to photoshop so i could edit and manipulate my image to make it look effective and possibly professional. I did this my blurring out the background images such as the wall, however i kept the student in focal so that it was clear. When the image had been focalised i then added the title, main headline and other articles etc. I was also very careful when picking my the colours which i used i didn't want anything to dramatic to take away the focus of the headline and main picture, so i used simple suttle colours such as red, white and black.
When looking back to my draft of my final piece i have improved my magazine greatly and altered it slightly. I also hadn't worked with photoshop before so therefore have gained a few skills when working with photoshop such as blurring out images, rubbing out the blur or image, adding text and moving images and text and also dragging images onto the main page.